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Kementerian Perladangan dan Komoditi

Selamat Datang Ke Portal Rasmi


Kementerian Perladangan dan Komoditi


Name :
Dr. Rozita Osman

Current Position :
Centre Manager/Research Officer

Area of Specialization:
Crop production and soil fertility

Qualification :

Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2007 -2013, Doctor of Philosophy (Agronomy)

Universiti Putra Malaysia, 1998 – 2002, Master of Science (Soil Chemistry)

Universiti Putra Malaysia, 1993 – 1997, Bachelor Science of Horticulture

Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 1990 – 1993, Diploma Pertanian


2008 – Excellent Service Award, Malaysian Cocoa Board

2012 – Excellent Service Award, Malaysian Cocoa Board

2017 – Excellent Service Award, Malaysian Cocoa Board

Expertise Contribution :

  1. Editor of Malaysian Cocoa Journal.
  2. Reviewer for MCB Annual Scientist Workshop (2016 -2020)
  3. Jury for Soil Photo Contest, Mac 2021
  4. Poster Panel and Jury for Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology 2019 – 27 – 29 August 2019
  5. Evaluation panel of e-ScienceFunds, MOSTI. (2016-2020).
  6. Roundtable Discussion for preparation of Pra-Kongres Majlis Profesor Negara di UPM, 2015
  7. Member of Working Group to Review Malaysian Standard for Cocoa Bean Specification
  8. Member of Working Group to Review Malaysian Standard for Cocoa Planting Materials
  9. Member of Working Group to Review Malaysian Standard for GAP for cocoa
  10. Panel for roundtable dialogue program between academic and industry at Kompleks Yayasan Pahang, 1 Jun 2017
  11. Round Table Dialogue Between Academia and Industry -Bachelor In Plantation Industry Management oleh Kolej Yayasan Pahang, 30 Oktober 2017
  12. Assessor (category of Corporate Social Responsibility) in Commodities Industry Awards by Ministry of Plantation Industry and Commodity of Malaysia (2009).
  13. Assessor (category of cocoa farmers) in Cocoa Industry Awards (2009).
  14. Observer in Forum on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction for Small Island and Landlocked States, 9 Mac 2016
  15. Member of Agriculture Expertise Group in Meeting of Climate Change MOSTI
  16. Member of Working Group for GHG Inventory for Agriculture Sector in Management of Climate Change (2007 – now)
  17. Member of Working Group for Vulnerability and Adaptation in Management of Climate Change (2011 – now)
  18. Organizing Chairman for Cocoa Technology Advanced Course (2007)
  19. Organizing Chairman for Pelatih Super Koko Course Semenanjung (2023)
  20. Committee for various seminar and conferences
  21. Reviewer for various technical and scientific manuscript


List Of Products Developed / Trade Secret :
MCB F1 HyFer (Co-researcher)

Collaboration :
Research collaboration between MCB-NAFAS on the compound fertilizer trial for mature cocoa – inland soil (member)

Major Projects Conducted :

  1. Integrasi tanaman koko dengan komoditi lain serta plot rintis pertanian tepat (RMK11 & RMK12)
  2. Biochar From Cocoa Pod Husk and Its Application in Cocoa Seedlings and Mature Cocoa : Zero Waste (Temporary Research Fund)
  3. Pembangunan plot-plot penyelidikan dan infrastruktur Pusat Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan Koko Jengka (RMK10)
  4. Evaluation of tree canopy transformation technique in the rehabilitation of vascular streak dieback disease infested mature cocoa (e-sciencefund)
  5. Evaluation of different planting patterns for mechanized farm operations (e-sciencefund)
  6. Research collaboration between MCB-NAFAS on the compound fertilizer trial for mature cocoa – inland soil (co-researcher)
  7. Effect of water stress on cocoa clone seedlings (Temporary Research Fund)

Major Publication :

  1. Rozita, O., Saiful Mujahid, A. R. and Sharih, S. 2022. Production of biochar from cocoa pod husk: Preliminary result. Malaysian Cocoa Journal, Vol. 14:73-76
  2. Rozita, O., Saiful Mujahid, A.R. and Sharih, S. 2021. Production of Biochar from Cocoa Pod Husk : Preliminary Result. Malaysian Annual Scientist Workshop (MASW 2021)
  3. Rozita, O. 2021. Problems of Cocoa Soils in Asia Pacific by 2050. INCOCOA Webinar, 20th October, 2021.
  4. Rozita, O., Nurfadzilah, M., Helmi, S., Boney, M. and Nurafiza, A. 2020. The Potential of Cocoa Integration Planting Systems with Other Economic Crops : Crop Diversity. Malaysian Annual Scientist Workshop (MASW 2020)
  5. Rozita, O., Saiful Mujahid, A.R. and Sharih, S. (2019). Factors affecting cocoa pod value and cocoa bean conversion rate. Malaysian Annual Scientist Workshop (MASW 2019), Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, 24th September 2019.
  6. Rozita, O., Saiful Mujahid, A.R. and Sharih, S. (2019). Effect of irrigation frequency on growth and biomass of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) seedlings. Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology Conference 2019 (MSPPC 2019). Ming Garden Hotel and Residences, Kota Kinabalu, 27 – 29 August 2019.
  7. Rozita, O., Saiful Mujahid, A.R. & Sharih, S. 2019. Adoption of ‘4P’ Concept in Cocoa Field Management to Increase Production and Productivity. Paper presented at The 8th Meeting of the ASEAN Cocoa Club Technical Working Group on Good Agricultural Practices (ACC TWGGAP), 15 – 18th July, 2019, Pulse Grande, Putrajaya
  8. Rozita, O., Haya, R. and Raize Shah, H. (2019). Hala Tuju Industri Koko Di Negeri Pahang : Penilaian Potensi Dan Isu. Pembentangan dalam Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Perladangan dan Penyediaan Rangka Kerja Peringkat Negeri Pahang. Zenith Hotel, Kuantan, Pahang. 25 April 2019.
  9. Rozita, O., Saiful Mujahid, A.R. and Sharih, S. (2019). Effect of different fertilizer levels on cocoa yield. Malaysian Soil Science Conference 2019. Hotel Equatorial, Malacca. 16 – 17 April, 2019.
  10. Boney, M., Dandan, M. A., Azwan, A., and Rozita, O., 2019. Effect of organic materials application on production of cocoa pods and bean quality. In Proceedings of International Conference of Sustainable Agriculture (ICSA), Sandakan, Sabah, 20-21st September 2018. Pp 76 -82.
  11. Boney, M., Dandan, M. A., Azwan, A., and Rozita, O., 2019. Effect of different types of organic materials and clones on survival of grafted cocoa (Theobroma cacao) seedlings in nursery. In Proceedings of International Conference of Sustainable Agriculture (ICSA), Sandakan, Sabah, 20-21st September 2018. Pp 228 -232.
  12. Rozita, O. (2018). Asas Penyediaan Baja dan Spesifikasi SIRIM. Bengkel Pengenalan Baja Dan Kawalan Kualiti & Bengkel Pemantapan Jawatankuasa Teknikal, Lembaga Koko Malaysia, CRDC Jengka, Pahang, 6-8 March 2018.
  13. Rozita, O. (2018). Cocoa new planting pattern for mechanized farm operations. Malaysian Annual Scientist Workshop (MASW 2018), Santubong, Sarawak, 6th August 2018
  14. Rozita, O. (2018). Integrasi tanaman koko dengan komoditi lain dan plot rintis pertanian tepat. Cocoa Upstream Workcamp 2.0, Hotel Summit Signature, Batu Pahat, Johor, 10-11 July 2018.
  15. Rozita, O. (2018). Kawalan Mutu Baja. Bengkel Pengenalan Baja Dan Kawalan Kualiti & Bengkel Pemantapan Jawatankuasa Teknikal, Lembaga Koko Malaysia, CRDC Jengka, Pahang, 6-8 March 2018.
  16. Rozita, O. (2018). Pengenalan Asas Baja. Bengkel Pengenalan Baja Dan Kawalan Kualiti & Bengkel Pemantapan Jawatankuasa Teknikal, Lembaga Koko Malaysia, CRDC Jengka, Pahang, 6-8 March 2018.
  17. Rozita, O., Tee, Y.K. and Mohammed Helmi, S. (2018). Innovative agriculture: Application of smart farming technology. Plenary paper presented at Malaysian Annual Scientist Workshop (MASW 2018), Santubong, Sarawak, 6th August 2018.
  18. Boney, M., Dandan, A., and Rozita, O. (2018). Effect of Different Types of Organic Materials on Low Soil pH in Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Yield Production at Madai Kunak, Sabah. Che Fauziah, I., Mohd. Izuan E. H., Daljit, S. K., Muhammad Firdaus, S., Anuar, R., Proceeding of The 10th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH (PSILPH) 2018 . ISBN: 978-967-16101.
  19. Boney, M., Dandan, A., Azwan, A., and Rozita, O., 2018. Effect of Organic Materials on Cocoa Pod and Bean Quality Towards Its Production. International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture (ICSA 2018), 20 -21 September 2018, UMS Sandakan, Sabah.
  20. Boney, M., Dandan, A., Azwan, A., and Rozita, O., 2018. Effect of Different Types of Organic Materials and Clones on Survivability of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Grafted Seedlings in Nursery. International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture (ICSA 2018), 20 -21 September 2018, UMS Sandakan, Sabah.
  21. Helmi, S., Ahmad Kamil, M.J. , Navies. M., Rozita.O. (2018). Kit Pengurusan Tanaman Koko. Malaysian Annual Scientist Workshop (MASW 2018), Santubong, Sarawak, 6th August 2018.
  22. Helmi, S., Rozita. O., Haya. R., Ling, A.S.C., Hamdan, B. and Norsyaheer, S. (2018), MCB HYFer. Invention, International Invention & Innovation Exhibition 2018 (ITEX 2018) at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur, 10 – 12 May 2018.
  23. Helmi, S., Rozita. O., Ling, A.S.C., Hamdan, B. (2018). MCB F1 HYFer: The definitive controlled fertilizer for sustainable high yield cocoa. Malaysian Annual Scientist Workshop (MASW 2018), Santubong, Sarawak, 6th August 2018.
  24. Nurafiza, A., Tee, Y.K., Boney, M., Albert, L.S., Rozita, O., and Isa, I. (2018). Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Content Partitioning of Cocoa Tree Parts in Serian, Sarawak. Malaysian Annual Scientist Workshop (MASW 2018), Santubong, Sarawak, 6th August 2018.
  25. Nurfadzilah, M., Helmi, S., Boney, M., Nurafiza, A., Rozita, O. and Haya, R. (2018). Effect of biofertilizer on soil nutrient status of matured cocoa (Theobroma cacao) tree in low soil pH in Jengka, Pahang. Che Fauziah,I., Mohd. Izuan, E., Daljit, S.K., Muhammad Firdaus, S., Anuar, R. Proceeding of the 10th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interaction at Low pH (PSILPH) 2018. ISBN 978-967-16101
  26. Nurfadzilah, M., Rozita, O., (2018). Economic Evaluation of Three Planting Patterns for Intercropping Cocoa With Coconut. International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture. Universiti Malaysia Sabah (Sandakan Campus), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. 19-21 September 2018.
  27. Nurfadzilah, M., Rozita, O., Effect of Cocoa Integration with Dokong In Relation To Productions and Cocoa Beans Quality. SAS – DOA Sabah Seminar. Tropical Fruits, The Next Golden Crop For Sabah. The Pacific Sutera Hotel, Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. 14-16 August 2018.
  28. Nurfadzilah, M., Helmi, S., Boney, M., Nurafiza, A., Rozita, O. and Haya, R. (2018). Effect of Biofertilizer on Cocoa Yield in Jengka, Pahang. International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture. Universiti Malaysia Sabah (Sandakan Campus), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. 19-21 September 2018.
  29. Rozita, O. (2017). Efficiency on Cocoa Management for Research Plot. Presented at Cocoa Productivity Mapping In Indonesia, 26 – 28th April 2017, ICCRI, Jember, Indonesia
  30. Rozita, O. (2017). Konsep 4P dalam penanaman koko. Presented at Farmers Field School, Kg. Damak, Jerantut, Pahang. 11th October, 2017.
  31. Rozita, O. (2017). Konsep 4P dalam penanaman koko. Presented at Kursus Pemantapan Pengurusan Tanaman Koko untuk Orang Asli 2017. Pusat Latihan Pertanian Pintu Padang, Raub, Pahang. 8 – 9th November, 2017.
  32. Rozita, O. (2017). Laporan Penilaian Outcome Projek Pembangunan RMK10. Pembangunan Plot-Plot Penyelidikan Dan Infrastruktur Pusat Penyelidikan Koko Jengka. Presented at ICU, Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Putrajaya. 23rd May, 2017.
  33. Rozita, O. (2017). Pengurusan Tanaman Koko. Presented at Cocoa Focus Group Meeting. 15 – 16th February, 2017. Malaysian Cocoa Board, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
  34. Rozita, O., Haya, R. and Albert, L. (2017). Preliminary assessment on drought tolerance characteristics of some Malaysian cocoa planting materials. Presented at Indonesian International Cocoa Symposium, 18 – 21th October, Grand Sahid Jaya, Jakarta.
  35. Rozita, O., Saiful Mujahid, A.R,. and Sharih, S. (2017). Mechanization in Cocoa Plantation: Way Forward in Effective Cocoa Management. Presented at MCB Annual Scientist Workshop, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. 24 – 26th October, 2017.
  36. Boney M., Mohd. Dandan A., & Rozita O., 2017. The Feasibility of Organic Materials Usage on Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Matured Tree. Oral Presentation at MCB Annual Scientists Workshop 2017 (MASW) from 24th – 26th October 2017.
  37. Haya, R., Ling, A. S. C., Mohd. Zamri A. G., Harnie, H. and Rozita, O. (2017). Cocoa Productivity In Malaysia. In Mapping cocoa productivity and link with agriculture intervention in Indonesia Workshop. 27 April 2017, ICCRI, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia.
  38. Helmi, S., Rozita. O., Haya. R., Ling, A.S.C. and Hamdan, B. (2017), MCB F1 HYFer. Innovation poster and presentation at Invention, Innovation and Design Johor 2017 (IIIDJ 2017) at Johor Bahru, Johor on 9th March 2017.
  39. Helmi, S., Rozita, O., Haya, R., Ling, A.S.C. and Hamdan, B.(2017), MCB F1 HYFer: Control release fertilizer for sustainable high yield cocoa. Innovation poster and presentation at 2017 Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) at COEX Seol, Korea from 30th November – 3rd December 2017.
  40. Helmi, S. , Rozita, O. , Haya. R., Ling, A.S.C. and Hamdan, B. (2017), MCB F1 HYFer: The definitive controlled fertilizer for sustainable high yield cocoa. Innovation poster and presentation at 1st International Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand Symposium on Innovation and Creativity (iMIT SIC 2017) at Arau, Perlis on 27th July 2017.
  41. Nurafiza, A, Tee, Y. K., Boney, M, Albert, L. S, Rozita, O. and Isa, I. (2017). Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content partitioning of cocoa tree parts in Serian, Sarawak. Cocoa and Coffee Research Journal.
  42. Rozita, O. 2016. The management of ‘pokok duit-duit’ in cocoa plantation. Malaysian Cocoa Journal. Vol 9(2):43 – 53 (presented in MCB Annual Scientist Workshop 2016 as an oral presenter)
  43. Nurfadzilah, M and Rozita, O. 2016. Evaluation of three planting patterns for intercropping cocoa with durian. Malaysian Cocoa Journal. Vol 9(1): 30 – 36
  44. Boney, M., Mohamed Helmi, S., Nurfadzilah, M., Nurafiza, A., Haya, R., Rozita, O., Ling, A.S.C. and Justin, P. 2016. Effect of biofertilizer (BIOJADI) on yield production of matured cocoa (Theobroma cacao) tree at Madai, Kunak, Sabah. Malaysian Cocoa Journal. Vol 9(1): 37 – 42
  45. Helmi, S., Rozita, O., Haya, R. Ling, A.S.C. and Halim, H. 2016. The efficacy of cacao specific fertilizer on cacao productions. Malaysian Cocoa Journal. Vol9(2): 79 – 85
  46. Rozita, O., Helmi, S., Boney, M. and Haya, R. 2016. Cocoa fertilization : An Experience from Malaysia. Paper presented in National seminar and Workshop : Sustainable Management of Soil Fertility and Fertilizer for Indonesian Cocoa, 20-21 Julai, 2016 (oral presenter)
  47. Rozita, O. 2016. Pakej Lengkap Pengurusan tanaman koko. Kertas Kerja dibentangkan dalam Kursus Pemantapan Program C-Team (KPPC-Team) di Grand Dormani Rajah Court, Kuching, Sarawak, 8 – 10 Ogos (oral presenter)
  48. Rozita, O., Helmi, S. and Boney, M. 2015. Country reports and updates of fertilizer used in cocoa in Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Regional Cocoa Workshop, Davao, Philippines, 12 – 15 October 2015
  49. Rozita, O. 2015. Assessment of soil physical and chemical properties in cocoa cultivation under different planting densities in Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Regional Cocoa Workshop, Davao, Philippines, 12 – 15 October 2015
  50. Rozita, O. 2015. Growth performance of cacao seedlings under different field capacity. Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology Conference 2015, Ipoh, Perak. 18 – 20 Ogos 2015
  51. Rozita, O., Nik Aziz, N.M. and Azhar, I. 2014. Pro and cons in applying canopy replacement method for vascular streak dieback infected mature cocoa. Short Commun. Malaysian Cocoa Journal vol. 8(2014). Pp. 57-59
  52. Rozita, O., Nik Aziz, N.M. and Azhar, I. 2014. Replace your tops when you’re infected! Short Commun. Malaysian Cocoa Journal vol. 8(2014). Pp 60-63
  53. Rozita, O., Nurashikin, A. and Razi, I. 2014. Ultrastructural changes in cocoa clones graft compatibility. International Conference on Plant Physiology. Bali, Indonesia.
  54. Rozita, O. 2014. Selection of suitable planting pattern for mechanized farm operations. International Agriculture Congress 2014. Putrajaya.
  55. Mohamed Helmi, S., Albert, L.S.C. and Rozita, O. 2014. Efficacy of slow release zeolite based compound fertilizer on Theobroma cacao. In Proceedings Malaysian International Cocoa Conference (MICC 2013), Kuala Lumpur, 7 – 8th October, 2013. Pp. 157 – 160
  56. Lee, C.H., Soetikno, S.S., Jeremy, N., Jayne, C., Albert, L.S.C., Chooi, L.K., Khairul Bariah, S., Helmi, S., Rozita, O. and Rizman, N.M. 2014. Manual Latihan. Projek STDF-CABI-ICCO. Keselamatan Koko: Pembangunan Modal Insan dan Perkongsian Pengetahuan dalam Piawaian Sanitari dan Fitosanitari (SPS) Koko di Asia Tenggara (STDF/PG/381). Edisi Malaysia.
  57. Rozita, O. 2013. Selection of clones for canopy replacement rehabilitation of vascular streak dieback in mature cocoa (Theobroma cacao) in Malaysia. Universiti Putra Malaysia. PhD Thesis.
  58. Ahmad Kamil, M. J., Alias, A., Azmi, C. A., Boney, M., Harnie, H., Haya, R., Khairul Bariah, S., Lee, C. H., Meriam, M. Y., Mohd Yusoff, A. S., Mohd Zamri, A. Ghani, Mohamed Helmi, S., Navies, M., Nuraziawati, M.Y., Nurfadzilah, M., Rozita, O., Saripah, B. & Shari Fuddin, S. 2013. Eds: Lee C. H, Kelvin, L., Haya, R., Navies, M., & Saripah, B. Cocoa Planting Manual, Sustainable Cocoa. Sabah, Malaysia: Malaysian Cocoa Board.
  59. Rozita, O., Razi, I. and Zainal Abidin, M.A., 2013. Physiological and biochemical changes in vascular streak dieback disease tolerant cocoa clones (Theobroma cacao). Paper presented at Malaysian International Cocoa Conference, Kuala Lumpur.
  60. Rozita, O. and Nik Aziz, N.M. 2012. Pemulihan penyakit VSD melalui teknik penukaran kanopi. Paper presented at Seminar Pekebun Kecil, MITC, Melaka.
  61. Rozita, O. 2011. Penyumbang dalam Penyediaan Dokumen Malaysia Second National Communication to the UNFCCC. 2011. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Malaysia.
  62. Lamin, K., Lee C.H., Osman, Y., Rozita, O., Navies, M., Rahmat, M., Albert, L., Alias, A., Meriam, M. Y., Saripah, B., Denamany, G & Nik Aziz, N. M. 2011. Efficacy of paraquat and other herbicides in cocoa cultivation. In Paraquat: Asset or Liability – A study initiated by the Malaysian Palm Oil Board. Pp 55-74. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Palm Oil Board.
  63. Lamin, K., Lee C.H., Osman, Y., Rozita, O., Navies, M., Rahmat, M., Albert, L., Alias, A., Meriam, M. Y., Saripah, B., Denamany, G & Nik Aziz, N. M. 2011. Toxicology studies of paraquat. In Paraquat: Asset or Liability – A study initiated by the Malaysian Palm Oil Board. Pp 83-90. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Palm Oil Board.
  64. Ahmad Kamil M.J., Alias, A., Azmi C.A., Denamany, G., Francis A., Harnie H., Hidayatullah H., Haya R., Lee C. H., Khairul Bariah, S., Meriam M.Y., Mohd Yusoff, A. S., Nik Aziz, N.M., Navies, M., Nuraziawati, M.Y., Osman, Y., Rozita, O., Saripah, B. & Shari Fuddin, S. 2009. Manual Penanaman Koko. Published by Malaysian Cocoa Board, Kota Kinabalu. Pp 161. (In Malay).
  65. Ahmad Kamil M.J., Alias, A., Azmi C.A., Denamany, G., Francis A., Harnie H., Hidayatullah H., Haya R., Lee C. H., Khairul Bariah, S., Meriam M.Y., Mohd Yusoff, A. S., Nik Aziz, N.M., Navies, M., Nuraziawati, M.Y., Osman, Y., Rozita, O., Saripah, B. & Shari Fuddin, S. 2009. Cocoa Planting Manual. Published by Malaysian Cocoa Board, Kota Kinabalu. Pp 151.
  66. Rozita, O., Nik Aziz, N.M. and Maryani, A.W. 2009. Replace your tops when you are infected. 2009. Paper presented at Malaysian International Cocoa Conference 2009, 11 & 12 May 2009. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  67. Rozita, O., Nik Aiz, N .M. and Lamin, K. 2007. Efficacy of liquid lime application in cocoa seedlings growth in the nursery. Poster presented at Conference on Plant Plantation Commodities. 3-4 July 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  68. Rozita, O. 2002. Study on heavy metal contents in cocoa soils and tissues. Universiti Putra Malaysia. MSc. Thesis.
  69. Fauziah, C. I., Rozita, O., Zauyah, S., Anuar, A.R. and Shamshuddin, J. 2001. Heavy metals content in soils of Peninsular Malaysia grown with cocoa and in cocoa tissues. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science. 5: 47-58
  70. Rozita, O. 1997. Kesan jenis dan saiz substrat terhadap pertumbuhan salad dalam sistem NFT. Universiti Putra Malaysia. Degree Thesis. (In Malay).


Working experience :

  1. Malaysian Cocoa Board – Research officer
    Starting date : 1 March 2005
    Confirmation on : 1 April 2006
  1. Land Management Department, Universiti Putra Malaysia – Research Assistant, 2003-2004
  1. Land Management Department, Universiti Putra Malaysia – Graduate Research Assistant, 1999 – 2001
  1. Soil Science Department, Universiti Putra Malaysia – Research Assistant, 1997 – 1998

Office Address :

Pusat Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan Koko Jengka,
Peti Surat 34, Jalan Jengka 23,
28000 Temerloh, Pahang

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