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Kementerian Perladangan dan Komoditi

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Kementerian Perladangan dan Komoditi

Name :
Suhaida Salleh

Current Position :
Research Officer

Area of Specialization:
Plant Pathology

Qualification :
1. Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2009 – 2014 Master of Science (Plant Pathology)
2. Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2006 – 2009 Bachlelor Sciense (Hons) Major in Biology

Professional Affiliation :
1. Member of Jawatankuasa Perosak Asing Kebangsaan
2. Member of Penetapan Had Maksimum Residu (MRL) Racun  Perosak Dalam Komoditi Pertanian

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu – Silicon Application on Cocoa Plantation

Major Projects Conducted :

  1. MCB Temporary Research Fund (L15289) Project leader
  2. Development of Cocoa Crop Management System on Climate Change (RMK-11 P20001001116007) Team member
  3. Production of Patented Bacteria-Based Microbial Formulations for Cocoa Disease and Pest Management (RMK-11 P20001001116006) Team member
  4. Development Program of Fine or Flavor Cocoa (FFC) and Organic Cocoa (RMK 12 P20001001230009) Team member


Major Publication : –

  1. Suhaida, S., Meriam, M. Y and Ahmad Kamil, M. J. (2023). Current status of Pests and Disease in Malaysia. 23rd Meeting of the National Focal Point for the Asean Cocoa Club (ACC) on the Asean Coorporation and Joint Approaches in Agriculture and Forest Products Promotion Scheme. 22-23 February 2023, Bangkok, Thailand.
  2. Suhaida, S. (2023). Pengenalan Asas Penyakit Koko. Kursus Asas Tanaman Koko. Jengka, Pahang, 10-11 October 2023.
  3. Suhaida, S, Muhammad Farid, A.R., Nellysa Nursyafira A. and Shari Fuddin, S. (2022). Morphlogical identification of Trichoderma species isolated from rhizosphere of cocoa (Theobroma cacao). International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 11: 23 – 33.
  4. Suhaida S. and Nellysa Nursyafira A. (2022). Isolation of Trichoderma from Cocoa Rhizosphere and their In Vitro Antagonist Assessment Against Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD) And Black Pod (BP). Malaysian Cocoa Journal, 14: 131 – 136.
  5. Nurfadzilah M., Ahmad Kamil M.J., Suhaida, S. (2022). Evaluation of Biocontrol Agent Against Black Pod and Cocoa Pod Borer. Malaysian Cocoa Journal, 14: 126 – 130.
  6. Suhaida S., Noor Afiqah M. and Siti Nordahliawate M.S. (2021). In Vitro Evaluation of Soluble Silicon (Si) For Controlling Vascular Streak Dieback Disease of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao). Malaysian Cocoa Journal, 13(2): 65 – 67.
  7. Nor Amerulah, N. M., Suhaida, S. and Hamzah, A. A. (2020). Antifungal efficacy of crude aqueous weed extracts against pathogen of cocoa black pod rot. Borneo Akademika, 3 (2), 12-22.
  8. Aizat, J., Haya, R., Nuraziawati, M. Y., Mohamad Jaafar, H., Zailani, M. J., Jamaludin, R., Suhaida, S., Mohd Qahar Muzzakar, M. A., Mohd Faizal, A., Zamri, K., Sarina, A.S., Ishak, M. Y., Abdul Rahman, R. and Ling, A.S.C. Malaysia Cocoa Clones Second Edition. Lembaga Koko Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. 2020.
  9. Ling, A. S. C., Suhaida, S., Nuraziawati, M. Y., Haya, R. and Ahmad Kamil, M. J. (2020). Grouping Tolerant Level of Cocoa Genotypes Against Pod Rot Disease in Malaysia. Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal), 36(2), 139-153.
  10. Suhaida, S., Tee, Y. K., Roselee, O. and Mat Ali, K. (2020). Growth of Phytopththora Palmivora In Vitro in Response to Temperature. Malaysian Cocoa Journal, 12(1): 23 – 27.
  11. Suhaida, S., Shari Fuddin, S., Alias, A., Roselee, O. and Ali, K (2019). The Effectiveness of Systemic Fungicides in Controlling Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD) On Mature Cocoa Tree. Malaysian Cocoa Journal, 11: 23 – 26.
  12. Suhaida, S., Siti Nordahliawate, M. S., Shari Fuddin, S. and Alias, A. (2020). Use of fungicide and soluble silicon for control of vascular streak dieback. In Proceeding of an Asia-Pacific Regional Cocoa IPM Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, 9-11 April 2019. pp 68-72.
  13. Suhaida, S. and Tee, Y. K. (2018). The Influence of Substrate and Temperature on the Growth of Phytophthora palmivora of Cocoa Black Pod Disease. Poster presentation at 34th Symposium of The Malaysian Society for Microbiology 2018 (MSM 2018), Georgetown, Penang, 7 – 10 December 2018.
  14. Suhaida, S. and Tee, Y.K. (2018). Effect of Incubation Temperature On Black Pod Disease of Cocoa Caused by Phytophthora palmivora. In Proceeding of MCB Annual Scientists Workshop 2018, Santubong, Sarawak, 6 – 8 August 2018.
  15. Suhaida, S. (2017). Pengurusan Tanaman Koko. Pengurusan Penyakit Koko, Ladang Selborne, Kuala Lipis, Pahang, 11 Disember 2017.
  16. Suhaida S., Shari Fuddin S. & Alias A. (2017). The Effectiveness of Tebuconazole, Difenoconazole and Propiconazole for the Control of Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD) Disease on Cocoa Seedlings. Poster presentation at International Congress of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology (ICMSM 2017), Putrajaya, 4 – 7 December 2017.
  17. Suhaida S., Tee Y. K., Roselee O. & Mat Ali K. (2017). Growth of Phytophthora palmivora In Vitro in Response to Temperature. In Proceeding of MCB Annual Scientists Workshop 2017, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 23 – 26 October 2017.
  18. Suhaida, S. (2017). Pengurusan Tanaman Koko. Pengurusan Penyakit Koko, Farmer Fied School (Sekolah Ladang Tani 2017), Jerantut, Pahang, 7 September 2017.
  19. Nur Ain Izzati, M.Z., Farah Aqila, H., Nor Azizah, K., Nur Syuhada, Z. and Suhaida. S. (2017). Characterization and pathogenicity of Fusarium proliferatum and Fusarium verticillioides, causal agents of Fusarium ear rot of corn. Turkish Journal of Biology, 41(1): 220-230.
  20. Suhaida, S., Shari Fuddin, S. and Alias, A. (2016). Curative and Preventive Effect of Tebuconazole Against Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD) of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao). Poster presentation at Managing Pests And Diseases For Sustainable Agriculture, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 16 – 17 August 2016.
  21. Suhaida, S., Shari Fuddin, S. and Alias, A. (2016). Effectiveness of Systemic Fungicide (Tebuconazole) in Controlling Vascular Streak Dieback (VSD) on Cocoa Seedlings. Malaysian Cocoa Journal, 9(2): 134 – 138.
  22. Suhaida, S. (2015). Pengurusan Penyakit Koko. Kursus Lanjutan Teknologi Tanaman Koko, Perak, 21 – 21 Oktober 2015


  1. Suhaida, S. (2015). Pengurusan Penyakit Koko. Kursus Lanjutan Teknologi Tanaman Koko, Johor, 6 – 8 Oktober 2015.
  2. Suhaida, S. (2015). Pengenalan Penyakit Koko. Kursus Asas Teknologi Tanaman Koko, Perak, 19 – 20 Ogos 2015.
  3. Suhaida, S. (2015). Pengenalan Penyakit Koko. Kursus Asas Teknologi Tanaman Koko, Perak, 28 – 29 April 2015.
  4. Suhaida, S. (2015). Pengurusan Penyakit Koko. Kursus Lanjutan Teknologi Tanaman Koko, Kelantan, 23 – 25 Mac 2015.
  5. Suhaida, S., Shari Fuddin, S and Alias, A. (2015). In vitro screening of selected fungicides for controlling vascular streak dieback disease of cocoa (Theobroma cacao). Poster presentation at International Congress of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology (ICMSM 2015), Penang, Malaysia, 7 – 10 December 2015.
  6. Suhaida, S. (2015). Pengurusan Penyakit Koko. Kursus Lanjutan Teknologi Tanaman Koko, Perlis, 9 – 11 Disember 2014.
  7. Suhaida, S. (2015). Pengurusan Penyakit Koko. Kursus Lanjutan Teknologi Tanaman Koko, Pahang, 28 – 30 Oktober 2014.
  8. Suhaida, S. Biocontrol of Fusarium Ear Rot of Maize using Trichoderma Master Thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2013, p 76.
  9. Suhaida. S., and Nur Ain Izzati, M.Z. (2013). The Efficacy of Trichoderma harzianum T73s as a Biocontrol Agent of Fusarium Ear Rot Disease of Maize. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 15: 1175 – 1180



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Lembaga Koko Malaysia, Pusat Penyelidikan Dan Pembangunan Koko, Peti Surat 34, Jalan Jengka 23, 28000 Temerloh, Pahang

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